
Lessons from the Front Line: The Do’s and Dont’s of Tech Due Diligence

The Latest Findings from Private Equity’s Proven Technology Experts

The fact is, we don’t use technology: We live it.

And, Private Equity firms who incorporate technology into the heartbeat of their investment thesis are likely to reap the rewards.

Yet, despite conducting tech due diligence, many PE professionals overlook the long-term investment costs and opportunities uncovered in the assessment.

With deal activity at an all-time high, no matter the industry, acquirers who want the competitive edge should ask: What risks and rewards can I uncover with IT due diligence?

Examples include:

INCREASED PROFIT MARGINS: 43% of companies with high digital maturity report significantly higher net profit margins than industry averages.

COST SAVINGS: Overcome wasted spend and increase cash flow: $30 billion per year nationwide is wasted on unused and inefficient technology. 

REVENUE RISKS: How secure is that target company? The average data breach cost has reached an all-time high of $9.05 million in the United States. 

Technology in the digital era is continuing to evolve. Is your due diligence evolving with it?

Don’t Leave Money on the Table: Utilize Diligence Insights in Deal Negotiations

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